It is National Children's Dental Health Month, and the theme for this year's event will be "Choose Tap Water for a Sparkling Smile." National Children's Dental Health Month is initiated through the American Dental Association (ADA) and brings dental professionals, as well as healthcare professionals and educators, to highlight the benefits of healthy teeth to children. Healthy teeth make your smile more pretty. Many products are available in the market like illusion aligners to enhance your smile. Dental decay is among the most widespread and preventable diseases among children. However, having more water from the tap may aid in preventing cavities. Drinking water more often has many advantages that help to improve oral health.
Why should you drink more water?
Water is different from any other drink and is the most nutritious drink on the market. Our bodies are composed of 60% water, and being hydrated can help your body release healthy nutrients, helps get rid of waste products, provides your skin with a glowing, healthy glow, and keeps your muscles active. Drinking water can help your teeth remain healthy, particularly if it's fluoridated.
Drinking fluoride-rich drinking water is among the most simple and beneficial ways you can take to avoid cavities.
Here are four reasons why drinking more fluoridated drinking water enhances the health of your mouth.
Enhances the pearly whites of your teeth
Consuming fluoride-rich water, which is "nature's cavity fighter," is one of the simplest and most beneficial ways to avoid cavities. It is an element. When it is in the right quantity, the fluoride found in water helps strengthen teeth. Fluoride is typically found in tap water at your local store. In 2015 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued recommendations for the best amount of fluoride to be present in water for drinking to prevent tooth decay. There is some disagreement regarding fluoridation. Fluoridation of water is approved by American Medical Association, the American Dental Association and the CDC, which lists it as among the ten most crucial public health interventions in this century.
The most economical method to avoid tooth decay and to build healthy communities.
Research shows that for the majority of cities, every dollar put into fluoridation can save $38 to treat dental issues.
Cleans away harmful things!
Water is a fantastic mouth cleanser because it rinses away food remnants and food particles that bacteria that cause cavities are known to eat. The bacteria that cause cavities in your mouth like to consume sugar, and they produce acid, which wears away enamel, which is the exterior layer that protects your teeth. It also helps to reduce the acid generated by the bacteria that live within your mouth. Drinking soda, juice, or sports drinks, on the contrary hand, could leave unneeded sugar left behind.
Who would like dry lips?
Did you have the knowledge that saliva is made up of 99% water? If you're low on saliva, you'll most likely suffer from dry mouth - which causes difficulty swallowing and chewing due to the lack of saliva. Saliva is the mouth's primary defense against dental decay. It can wash away food leftovers allows you to swallow effortlessly and keeps your teeth healthy by washing them with fluoride, calcium, and phosphate. When the supply of saliva is low, your mouth can put you in danger of developing tooth decay. By drinking enough water, you can prevent dry mouth and make sure that saliva production is at a high level.
You're right: there are no calories!
Consumption of sugary beverages is a significant contributor to the rise in overweight in the United States. People who drink between one to two sugary drinks each day are a 26 percent greater likelihood of being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. It is possible to avoid this by replacing colas, sugary drinks and sports drinks with a drinking glass of water. Water isn't loaded with calories and is free of sugar, making it extremely nutritious.